Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Trout in the Classroom 2013, Post 1

Early Monday morning I went to the Berkeley Marina with our trout sponsor from the Diablo Valley Fy Fishermen Club, Mr. Ng to pick up our Steelhead trout eggs. It was cold but sunny.

Ethan Rotman, our wonderful Classroom Aquarium Education Program coordinator, arrived to make sure everyone had what they needed. He bought coffee and tea for us while we waited for the delivery.
"Thank you, Mr. Rotman."

One hundred bundles of eggs arrived from the Silverado Fishery in their special cold case safely buckled in as you can see. 

Fly fishermen sponsors and educators were ready with their coolers, waiting for their teachers' permits from Ms. Yates.

The case was carefully opened by Mr. Ficele.

The top ice tray was removed.

We could see the first tray of cheesecloth-wrapped bundles of eggs.

Our Sponsor Mr. Ng received 27 bundles of eggs to distribute to his teachers. 
The bundles were triple-counted to make sure we got the right number.

The eggs were kept cool until they could be delivered to the participating classrooms in our district.

We carefully counted 30 eggs before putting them into our aquarium.
Do you see the tiny black eyes?

To Be Continued 
With Heart