Saturday, December 24, 2011

Winter Wonder~Monarchs in the Morning

Monarch butterflies have arrived to over-winter in a eucalyptus grove at Ardenwood Farm in Freemont, CA. This year there are more than 4,000 individuals at this site. I walked and looked until I found these brown leaf-like clusters high in the trees. 

I love this shot through a spotting scope the naturalist set up. I didn't know I could do that.

An even closer look as the insects warm up in the sun and prepare to search for food.

This one is warming up on a sunny leaf before it flies out for the day.

Can you see why I want to go again to see these beautiful creatures wake up?

Merry Christmas,
With Heart

1 comment:

  1. AAAh nature! I like the bright blue text color the best!
    do you really look like a leaf?
