Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Mark and I went for an afternoon walk on this glorious day. This Bradford pear tree by the creek is holding onto its beautiful red leaves even as its new buds are showing. See the moon just beyond the branch.

Once we got to the park, we saw a flock of geese following a running child. It was actually a kite that reminded us of those geese. It was beautiful to watch. Click on the photo to see it better.

I love to think over each day and pick out 5 or 6 causes for thankfulness. Here is today's list:

1. Welcoming 2012 with Mark at 12:01
2. Seeing Orion shining overhead at 12:05 AM
3. FaceTime with Janie and Grandsons Charlie and Harrison, laughing
4. Making lemon yellow cake pops with Karen laughing
5. The picture of red leaves, white moon, and blue sky,
6. 'Flock of geese' following a running child

Wondering about your list for today,
With Heart

1 comment:

  1. You could take any one of the six and have a very good day
