Sunday, March 18, 2012

White Squirrel

See that white spot on the ground between the mailbox and the tree? That is proof of the albino squirrel my son-in-law has been telling us about for a few weeks.

It found some of the acorns my grandson had been getting a handful of and rolling down the driveway one by one. The squirrel carried one in his mouth across the street, into the yard, and on into the back yard.

We thought it would take the acorn to a nest we'd seen up in the canopy of the woods, but it went up one tree, across to another, and then down. With the binoculars I saw that the eyes were pink, confirming that the squirrel is albino.

The trees that were so green and luxurious during my summer visit were beautifully bare and some just budding out like this one. On this visit I loved looking through the woods and seeing whispers of  pink, or white, or red showing up so pretty against the gray bark and blue sky.

Before we leave the yard to go inside, I'll get KK, the fantastic the photographer of little boys and their family, to point out to you some of the wonders we discovered.

Ah! Nature!
With Heart