Sunday, May 6, 2012

SuperMoon 2012, California

SuperMoon as it rose over the backyard last night about 8:45

Scientists' nickname for an awesome event.
I saw it from my patio.

Our sky friend is near us,
Smiling as we gaze.

Moon illusion!
Is that why it seems
As big as the neighbor's window?

Moonset over the neighbor's house early this morning

Loving Sky Events
With Heart


  1. I wish we were there watching with you! I am enjoying your pictures!

  2. What a moon! What a glorious moon that rose over the Ouachita River, up over the trees, a shining orb, making a golden moon path across the river, creating a shimmering, quivering moon path across the water, lingering over the swamp and illuminating its mystery. Then this morning out again to see it settling back down to earth after a night's work of moonshine.
