Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Trout Journaling, Post 4

Trout Count
The students, their teacher, and I are so excited about our 13 alevins we counted today. Since we only counted 6 eggs, there must be 11 more well-camouflaged trout in the aquarium.

On the day the eggs are delivered the students make folders to hold their trout study.

Inside you'll find sketches and descriptions of what they see. 

'30 baby trout in a very cold tank surrounded by huge rocks.'

'They are tiny little creamish eggs, and I can see their black eyes and their red veins.'
'Much, much, much bigger than actual size.'

'Well they have 2 small black eyes and are way smaller than my nail. Not much movement.'
'Like 20 times bigger.'

'I see a small alevin with an egg sac attached to its stomach and moving of their tails.'

I encourage them to draw what they see, not what they think they should see. They notice size, color, and movement. As my favorite nature artist and writer Jack Laws teaches, 
 'Art is the tool. Observation is the goal.'

Sharing Wonder 
With Heart

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