Friday, March 16, 2012

Pipes and Rainbows

Even though this is an indoor experience, it has to do with our senses. For me that fits in with the theme of this blog, sharing the wonder of nature.

Imagine the floor vibrating as well as my ear drums vibrating while my very gifted son-in-law gave us an  impromptu organ concert at a beautiful chapel on the campus of Ole Miss where he's acquiring his PhD and working. My heart strings were vibrating also.

My grandson couldn't resist getting closer to his daddy and the beautiful instrument he was playing.

The windows of the chapel were edged in vibrant colors, making a great frame for Aunt KK to photograph her adorable nephews.

I couldn't get enough of the rainbows made by the noon sun coming through the windows.

Standing in the light

In Joyful Wonder
With Heart

1 comment:

  1. A poet always ... but when did you become a photographer?
