Saturday, March 31, 2012

Part 2, The Nature of Love and Laughter

In honor of April Fools Day I'm posting this again for the final time! I've tried since I returned from the wonderful 'bisit' with my grandsons to post 2 videos, with no luck and my followers having to endure assorted email notices of new blog. Unless I become more technologically savvy, I'll stick with pictures.

In honor of April being National Poetry Month and to cheer myself up after all my video tries, here is a poem about an event that took place today.

Quail pair in the yard!
His black chin and top knot bob.
Her brown dress hides her. 

And finally my love and laughter published once more to really cheer me up!

Brothers and Sisters
Good Genes

'KK! I'm glad you finally got here!'

'I take your picture.'

A merry heart does good like a medicine!

I can't get this video to upload to the blog!
If it did, it would go 'viral!'

This is the final installment of the nature experiences of my cross country visit to see my grandsons and their parents, my daughter and son-in-love. You might say I've stretched the Nature connection, but those who know me understand that I see nature in just about everything.

With a Full Heart

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