Thursday, January 12, 2012

Long John Beach

Another good nature memory is of being at Long John Beach on the Ouchita River in North Louisiana with my little brother Bryan and our parents.We took the houseboat up the river many times, this time to spend the night. I picture a yellow summer morning, early birds singing, soft light filtering through the trees, sparkling water. I'm walking on the golden sand and enjoying the feel of my robe gently fluttering in the breeze. This is very dramatic for a 16 year old girl.

As I pictured this yellow dream of a morning, this song started playing in my mind. It starts off, "What a dream I had." Then I found this picture that is so dream-like. It's the right location for this story and the right time for the song recorded by Simon and Garfunkle in 1966. 

Go to this link for an enjoyable song, For Emily Wherever I May Find Her:

Daddy is sitting on the beach enjoying being alone with his thoughts. Mama's watching birds from the deck with peace and quiet.

I imagine that Bryan is exploring the woods. Where is that boy!

Happy Memories
With Heart

1 comment:

  1. I wish there was a picture of your footprints in the sand. I remember on morning Dad got off the boat and followed your trail and of course I was not far behind.
    We "found you" and all walked back together while Mom enjoyed her coffee.
    I do have this image stored in my minds eye and enjoy it often
