Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Big Backyard

What's one of your early childhood outdoor memories?

I enjoy asking that question and the wonderful responses people have given me. I'll share a few of their delightful stories with you in the future, but tonight I'll model for you by giving you one of my early memories.

Our family had what I remember as a big backyard that seemed to stretch far away from the back steps of the house. I would sit on the steps with my mother and look for my big brother Charles to ride his bicycle home from school just to see me.  He'd ride down the driveway and around to the back where I was waiting. A big tree shaded the yard where my sister Eleanor often watched me play with Quacky the duck. Quacky and I entertained her. On weekends I'd get my dad to turn on the hose and wash rocks in a sieve with me, great fun. Tall leafy shrubs lined the yard and made a safe spot for me to enjoy my 5 year old self and our Siamese cat Tippy-Tin. 

What about you? Be thinking of your story. If you treasure your outdoor memories, help your young friends and loved ones to have opportunities to make their own nature memories.

With Heart


  1. Did you name your duck Quacky?
    If so, I'm not surprised.

  2. I have never seen photos of Quacky and Tippy Tin. I'll show them to Gordeaux
    And Sheri :-)

  3. And I thought Karen was called Quacky....

  4. Good memories - all about you! I always loved the name of Tippy Tin, Where did that come from?
