Friday, January 27, 2012

Trout Eggs! Arrival Day!

This is my second year to raise trout eggs in the classroom with my environmentalist friend, Nancy. We go to training classes given by the Department of Fish and Game, become certified, get a permit, and take refresher workshops to have this wonderful experience with the students.

In the classroom we've sharpened our observation skills, learned about the importance of watersheds, become environmentalist, and discussed trout habitat. We've eagerly awaited the big day of the arrival of the eggs.

Our sponsor from a local Fly Fisherman organization brought about 40 trout eggs to the classroom today. Before he put them into the aquarium, each child got a close look at them.

He was on hand to answer many questions and to point out important features like eyes.

After checking to see that the chiller was working to keep the water at a cold stream temperature of 50 degrees, he carefully settled the tiny pearl sized eggs on top of the gravel. Some of the children brought in the large river rocks that will make good hiding places for the fry that hatch.

As you can see, the idea is to copy the conditions of a stream where the trout or salmon would be spawning, hatching, and developing.

It's interesting that the aquarium where the students are raising fish to learn about healthy habitat requirements is right over a sign that warns that what flows down our street drains ends up in our streams.

It was a good day
With Heart


  1. Great, great project. You will never know how much the students take away from it. I think it is so valuable to give them this hands-on, direct experience. They will have an investment in those streams or lakes where they release their little fish. This will give them a wonderful reason to care about the environment. I know that anything extra in the classroom is extra work for the teachers. I am so proud of your efforts.

  2. Now along with the conservation, education and just really neat part of this...
    Is there catching, thanksgiving and consuming?
    I'm just askin.....
