Monday, January 23, 2012

The Gift of a Gray Day

Even though we've had lots of rain, these gray days have been a gift.

This burning bush outside my kitchen window,
bright even in the misty rain

2 and a half inches of rain this month! Thank you.
(Don't laugh if you live in moister climes.)

Cedar Waxwings looking like leaves blown back onto the bare tree

Chickadees searching the tree for some insects to eat when the rain stops

Trial and error learning of technology inside where it's warm and dry
so I can share nature thoughts with you

With Heart

1 comment:

  1. "If you wish your children to think deep thoughts, to know the holiest emotions, take them to the woods and the hills, and give them the freedom of the meadows, the hills purify those who walk upon them." Richard Jefferies

    As does the swamp. amy
